Curtin University

Master of Science (Minerals and Energy Economics)

Curtin University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00301J

Master Degrees (Coursework) prepare students to apply advanced knowledge for professional practice, scholarship and further learning corresponding to AQF level 9 qualifications. The Master of Science (Minerals and Energy Economics) builds on the foundation studies of business and mining disciplines preparing graduates for more senior roles in the mining and energy sectors. Students are provided with a thorough foundation in resource sector management and general business theory. The curriculum has a highly applied practical focus and is delivered by leading academics and business practitioners. Graduates will be equipped with a range of analytical and managerial skills relevant to middle and senior managers in decision making roles in resources, mining and energy companies.

Designed for

Those wanting to hold senior management and decision making roles in resources, mining and energy companies


Credit Points: 300


  • MGMT6040 Resource Sector Management
  • ECON6008 Natural Resources Economics
  • ECON6015 Mineral Finance and Project Evaluation
  • ECOM6000 Econometrics and Forecasting
  • ECON6013 Resource Sector Finance
  • ECON6016 Unconventional and Renewable Energy Technology Economics
  • ECON6008 Natural Resources Economics
  • ECON6015 Mineral Finance and Project Evaluation
  • ECON6018 Mineral and Energy Economics Capstone
  • ECON6009 Mineral Market Analysis
  • ECON6014 Primary Energy Economics
  • ECON6017 Energy Policy
  • ECON6020 Commodity Derivatives and Risk Management
  • ECON6021 Resource Cost and Capital
  • ECON6022 Regional and Socioeconomic Impact

Standard entry requirements

Specifically, applicants for this course require a bachelor degree from a recognised tertiary institution and at least three years subsequent, relevant work experience. Graduates from the Curtin Graduate Certificate in Minerals and Energy Economics will be considered qualified for entry. Applicants for a MSci (Minerals and Energy Economics) are required to meet University academic and English language entry standards (IELTS requirement of 6.5 overall (with no individual band less that 6)).

Study pathways

Exit point: Graduate Certificate in Mineral and Energy Economics; Graduate Diploma in Mineral and Energy Economics. Applications for credit towards a course are assessed on an individual basis.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Curtin Perth Domestic: $50,496
International: $52,952
  • Full-time : 1.5 years

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