Course Level

Bachelor Degree (Pass)



Bachelor of Applied Science (Interior Architecture) (Honours)

Bachelor Degrees prepare students to develop broad and coherent knowledge and skills in a discipline for professional work and further learning corresponding to AQF level 7 qualifications. The honours component prepares students to develop advanced knowledge and skills for professional work, research and further learning corresponding to AQF level 8 qualifications.


Curtin Perth

Full-time - 4 years



Credit Points: 800


  • COMS1010 Academic and Professional Communications
  • ARCH1015 Architecture and Interior Architecture Design Studio 1 - Small Structures
  • ARCH1018 Architecture and Interior Architecture Methods 1A - Analogue Literacy
  • ARCH1016 Architecture and Interior Architecture Methods 1B - Digital Literacy
  • INAR1012 History of the Interior
  • INAR1010 Interior Architecture Studio - Foundation
  • GRDE2004 3D Modelling and Digital Fabrication
  • ARCH2023 Architecture Methods 2B - Information Visualisation
  • ARCH2024 Architecture and Interior Architecture Design Studio 2A - Residential Typology and Grammar
  • INAR2012 Interior Architecture Studio - Community
  • INAR2007 Interior Architecture Fundamentals
  • INAR2022 Philosophy and Practice
  • INAR2024 Design Fabrication
  • URDE3007 Design and Built Environment Research Methods
  • ARCH3006 Environmental and Building Systems in Architecture
  • INAR3020 Furniture Design
  • INAR3022 Interior Architecture Practice 1
  • INAR3024 Interior Architecture Practice 2
  • INAR3005 Interior Architecture Studio - Well-being
  • INAR3010 Interior Architecture Studio - Workplace
  • INAR4023 Adaptive Reuse and Heritage
  • INAR4025 Design for Indoor Comfort
  • INAR4033 Interior Architecture Honours Project
  • INAR4031 Interior Architecture Honours Proposal
  • INAR4027 Interior Lighting Design
  • INAR4029 Sustainable Future and the Built Environment
  • SPUC-ANGAD Animation and Game Architecture Design Specialisation
  • SPUC-CONMS Construction Management Specialisation
  • SPUC-DIGDE Digital Design Specialisation
  • SPUC-DSGNV Design Thinking and Visual Communication Specialisation
  • SPUC-GRPDS Graphic Design Specialisation
  • SPUC-PHOTO Photography Specialisation
  • SPUC-PRINP Principles of Planning Specialisation
  • SPUC-URDES Urban Design and Planning Specialisation
  • SPUE-ARCHT Architectural Technology Specialisation

Entry requirements

  • Completed year 12 in Australia or overseas in the past two years, or
  • Completed TAFE or VET studies in the past two years
  • Applicants with vocational education and training (VET) study are those whose highest level of study since leaving secondary education is a VET course. This includes study at a public TAFE or other VET provider, whether a qualification was completed or not. Applicants with VET study may have other qualifications such as a Year 10 or Year 12 secondary school certificate
  • Applicants with higher education are those whose highest level of study since leaving secondary education is a higher education course, such as a university degree. This may include applicants who are currently studying a higher education course at another education provider and want to transfer to Curtin University, or applicants who are currently studying at Curtin but want to switch to a different course. It may also include applicants who have completed past study with university and non-university higher education providers.