Charles Sturt University

Master of Speech Pathology

Charles Sturt University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00005F

Steer your career in a new direction with the accredited Master of Speech Pathology from Charles Sturt University. Offered to those with an undergraduate degree in another discipline, this course provides the qualifications and experience required for professional practice as a speech pathologist. Available online complemented by residential schools and workplace learning this course prepares you to assess and treat people who have problems with their speech, hearing, language or swallowing. Enter a rewarding profession focused on helping people to improve their ability to communicate and interact with others.

Designed for

Students with an undergraduate qualification in another discipline, who wish to become qualified speech pathologists


To graduate students must satisfactorily complete 144 points.


  • Speech pathology

Standard entry requirements

  • 1. Grade Point Average of 4.5.
  • Prospective students must have completed a three-year undergraduate degree or Postgraduate studies in any discipline, with a GPA above 4.5 demonstrating a good level of academic ability through previous studies.
  • 2. Required pre-requisite study.
  • Prospective students are required to have successfully completed study in linguistics and head and neck anatomy, prior to admission to the Master of Speech Pathology.
  • Linguistics knowledge and skills must include knowledge of phonetics, phonology, morphology and syntax, and language analysis, equivalent to SPH101: Speech, Language and Culture.
  • Head and neck anatomy knowledge must include knowledge of functional anatomy related to communication and swallowing, equivalent to BMS224: Head and Neck Anatomy.
  • Applicants who have not met the requirements can complete both SPH101 and BMS224 as Single Subject Studies through Charles Sturt. Alternatively, applicants can choose to undertake equivalent subjects at another university. Applicants will need to provide transcript and subject outlines detailing the pre-requisite subjects undertaken at another university.
  • All pre-requisite study must be satisfactorily completed prior to a student being enrolled in the Masters of Speech Pathology. Completion of these subjects at Charles Sturt or similar subjects at another institution does not provide any guarantee of success in gaining admission to the course.
  • 3. Written Assessment.
  • Applicants, with a GPA above 4.5, will need to provide answers to the below questions. Responses will be assessed in accordance with a rubric designed by the Speech Pathology Team.
  • Influence.
  • Q1: Explain how your degree from Charles Sturt University will enable you to be a positive influence in your community and make a unique contribution to the speech pathology profession (this could include diversification of the workforce, rural and remote practice, etc.). (150 words).
  • Resilience.
  • Q2: Resilience, supported by good self and time management skills, is an important trait to have in todays workforce, particularly when balancing social, occupational, study, and/or family commitments. Tell us about a time where you balanced competing demands for your time and showed resilience. (150 words).
  • Interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Q3: Speech pathology is a profession in which excellent interpersonal and communication skills are essential. Describe an example of when you have demonstrated these skills in your life to support a positive outcome, and why you took the actions you did? (150 words).


In order to be employed as speech pathologists in Australia, graduates must be eligible to be members of Speech Pathology Australia and meet the graduate-entry competency-based occupational standards set by the association. The Masters course must be accredited by Speech Pathology Australia, which is possible after the first cohort of students have graduated from the course. Until then, the course will be given provisional accreditation.

Study pathways

Charles Sturt University frequently recognises prior learning. To apply for credit, supporting evidence such as transcripts and subject descriptors will need to be included with the application. Each request is individually assessed and the University will advise of the credit application outcome in writing.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Online No
  • Part-time : 4 years
  • Online/Off-campus : 3 years

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