Charles Darwin University

Master of Public Policy

Charles Darwin University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00300K

The Master of Public Policy gives you in-depth knowledge in political, cultural and social theory approaches to public policy and solid understanding of evidence-based policy development and evaluation imbedded within practical research theories and methodologies. Challenge yourself by taking on Masters' level study and gain transferrable skills to advance your career.The course is designed to uniquely focus on northern Australia and its relation to South-East Asia.You'll explore policy issues in remote contexts, the significance of First Nations peoples and cultures, and the regions proximity to South-East Asia.Streams include:educationenvironment and livelihoodshealth and social policyIndigenous contextspublic management and governancesecure and safe communities.The 2 year (full-time) or 4 year (part-time) course, can be studied 100% online or on-campus and culminates in a research project that explores issues of research in policy related fields.Whilst the structure is mostly prescriptive, there is scope within the course to conceptualize new thinking in an important public policy research project of your choice.We welcome the opportunity to discuss your ideas and to tailor a course to suit. During course engagement you will receive one-on-one supervision and support from university research, public policy researchers, policy developers and evaluators, and teaching staff.


  • IAS531 Indigenous Policy Agendas in Federal and State Politics
  • MPP501 Theoretical Approaches to Public Policy (unit title change 2023)
  • MPP506 Public Policy Practice (new unit)
  • MPP507 Evidence and Policy Evaluation (new unit)
  • MPP610 Public Policy Research Project (20cp) (repeatable)
  • MPP611 Public Policy Research Project (20cp) (repeatable)
  • Research Methodologies
  • Select 20cp from the following prior to undertaking MPP610 and MPP611.
  • EMG505 Research Methodologies in Education
  • ENV511 Real-World Statistics and Data Reasoning
  • HGE501 Topics in Human Geography: A 'Remote' Perspective
  • IAS501 Research Methods 1 (20cp)
  • IAS521 Principles of Research in Indigenous Contexts
  • IAS524 Indigenous Representation and Ethical Practice
  • MPP502 Evidence-Based Policy Development in Northern and Indigenous Contexts (not offered 2024)
  • MPP503 Realist Research and Evaluation
  • MPP505 Policy and Ethnography
  • PHM526 Research Design
  • PHM527 Research, Ethics and Impact
  • PHM588 Qualitative Research
  • EMG502 Philosophies and Ethics
  • EMG503 Assessment and Quality Assurance in Learning and Teaching
  • EMG504 Leadership in Education
  • EMG609 Internship (20cp) (repeatable) (not offered 2024)
  • IAS538 Challenging Educational Paradigm
  • ENG519 Sustainability
  • ENV501 Tropical Invaders and Biosecurity
  • ENV503 Ecological Restoration and Conservation
  • ENV507 Fire Ecology and Management
  • ENV509 Ecology and Management of Tropical Forests and Savannas
  • ENV513 Environmental Planning and Policy
  • ENV517 Natural Resources and Indigenous Livelihoods (not offered 2024)
  • ENV520 Wildlife Management
  • ENV521 Community Engagement for Biosecurity and Natural Resource Management
  • PHM516 Indigenous Health
  • PHM517 Public Health Anthropology
  • PHM523 Health Promotion
  • PHM525 Indigenous Health Research
  • PHM536 Health Systems, Planning and Management
  • PHM554 Public Health Economics and Decision Making
  • PHM559 Health Policy
  • PHM567 Public Health
  • ENV517 Natural Resources and Indigenous Livelihoods (not offered 2024)
  • IAS530 Neocolonialism, Advocacy and the Critique of Development
  • IAS532 Indigenous Knowledges, Property Rights and Economic Participation
  • IAS533 Indigenous Knowledges and Epistemologies
  • IAS536 Indigenous Sovereignty and the Challenges of Reconciliation
  • PHM516 Indigenous Health
  • PHM525 Indigenous Health Research
  • BUS504 Sustainable Enterprise
  • BUS506 Global Megatrends
  • BUS508 Business Analytics
  • ENT501 Sustainable Entrepreneurship
  • MAN514 Management for the Executive
  • PRT551 Project Management, Risk and Reliability
  • DEM511 Emergency and Disaster Management in Context
  • DEM512 Interdisciplinary Aspects of Emergency and Disaster Management
  • DEM513 Leadership in Emergency and Disaster Management
  • DEM514 Cultural, Social and Psychological Aspects of Emergency and Disaster Management
  • SWK522 Co-Creating Social Justice in Practice (not offered 2024)
  • SWK524 Communities, Social Change and Development
  • SWK526 Leadership in Social Policy
  • SWK558 Cultural Security in Child Protection Practice
  • Units totaling up to 40 credit points may be selected from postgraduate units offered by the University. Students may select units from any of the approved specializations (as above) as electives or by cross institutional enrolment that is approved by the course coordinator.

Standard entry requirements

Successful completion of a recognized bachelor degree, graduate certificate, graduate diploma, masters degree or equivalent international qualification.Applicants who don't meet the entry requirements, are advised to contact the course coordinator in the Faculty of Arts and Society by email to for further advice.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Casuarina International: $34,248 No
  • Full-time : 2 years

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