Charles Darwin University

Bachelor of Accounting/Diploma of Digital Enterprise

Charles Darwin University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00300K

There is an increasing demand for accounting graduates with digital skills, with technological skills delivering higher pay rises. During your Bachelor of Accounting you will study a number of accounting core units covering foundational knowledge and skills required in the accounting profession. There are a number of elective units available where students can focus on an area of interest. The accounting capstone unit in your final semester will bring together the concepts and theory you have studied across your degree in a focus on ethics and professional applications that will prepare you well for the next steps in your working life.


A candidate must successfully complete units totalling 240 credit points as detailed below. All units are valued at 10 credit points unless otherwise indicated.


  • COM105 Business and Communication Skills
  • MAN105 Introduction to Management
  • IAS201 Cultural Capabilities
  • Digital Enterprise Core Units
  • HIT137 Software Now
  • HIT164 Computing Fundamentals
  • ACT102 Introduction to Accounting
  • ECO107 Economics and the Modern Business Enterprise
  • LAW105 Introduction to Business Law
  • QAB105 Business Research Methods
  • ACT202 Management Accounting
  • ACT204 Financial Accounting
  • FIN205 Business Finance
  • LAW205 Commercial and Corporate Law for Owners, Managers and Professionals
  • ACT301 Accounting Theory and Contemporary Issues
  • ACT302 Strategic Management Accounting
  • ACT303 Principles of Auditing
  • ACT304 Accounting Information Systems
  • ACT305 Corporate Accounting
  • TAX305 Taxation
  • ACT410 Ethics, Governance and Professional Applications

Standard entry requirements

  • Successful completion of the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (or equivalent) and the awarding of an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) of at least 60*.
  • Successful completion of a national qualification at Certificate III level or higher.
  • Successful completion of at least 0.5 year of full-time study (or equivalent) of a higher education degree/diploma.
  • Overseas secondary or tertiary qualifications considered equivalent to the above Australian qualifications.
  • Attainment of a STAT Multiple Choice score of 140.
  • Successful completion of the Tertiary Enabling Program, the Preparation for Tertiary Success courses, or other recognised tertiary preparation course.
  • Submission of an acceptable personal competencies statement and/or employment experience.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Darwin Waterfront No
  • Full-time : 3 years

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