Diploma of Nursing - HLT54115

Alpine Institute

Type of institution: Registered Training Organisation
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)

This qualification reflects the role of an enrolled nurse working under supervision of a registered nurse. This qualification covers the application of skills and knowledge required to provide nursing care for people across the health sector. A lifespan approach should underpin this qualification with relevant competencies that relate to the different stages of life identified within the units. To be eligible to apply for registration as an enrolled nurse and to practice in Australia, you must complete a Diploma of Nursing program accredited by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) and approved as \u2018an approved program of study\u2019 by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA ) in accordance with the Enrolled Nurse Accreditation Standards. Visit https://www.ahpra.gov.au/Education/Approved-Programs-of-Study.aspx?ref=Nurse&Type=General&div=Enrolled%20Nurse%20%28Division%202%29 to confirm your chosen Registered Training Organisation (RTO) holds the necessary accreditation.Note that the scope of practice for enrolled nurses is determined by state and territory legislative requirements and the policies and procedures of the employing organisation. Users of this qualification must refer to those instruments in the development of training and assessment strategies.


  • 25 units: 20 core
  • 5 elective


  • Implement and monitor care for a person with chronic health problems
  • Perform clinical assessment and contribute to planning nursing care
  • Apply principles of wound management in the clinical environment
  • Manage personal stressors in the work environment
  • Communicate and work in health or community services
  • Lead team effectiveness
  • Support the provision of basic nutrition advice and education
  • Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions
  • Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures
  • Work with diverse people
  • Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
  • Visit client residence
  • Develop work priorities
  • Analyse and respond to client health information
  • Confirm physical health status
  • Implement and monitor care of the older person
  • Contribute to nursing care of a person with complex needs
  • Contribute to maternal and infant health care
  • Implement, monitor and evaluate nursing care plans
  • Implement and monitor care for a person with diabetes
  • Apply a palliative approach in nursing practice
  • Respond to client language, literacy and numeracy needs
  • Implement and monitor care for a person with acute health problems
  • Administer and monitor medicines and intravenous therapy
  • Research and apply evidence to practice
  • Follow safe work practices for direct client care
  • Apply nursing practice in the primary health care setting
  • Apply communication skills in nursing practice
  • Inform and support patients and groups about oral health
  • Provide advanced first aid
  • Maintain work health and safety
  • Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace
  • Apply legal and ethical parameters to nursing practice
  • Provide or assist with oral hygiene
  • Provide first aid
  • Implement and monitor infection prevention and control policies and procedures
  • Practise nursing within the Australian health care system
  • Recognise and respond to oral health issues
  • Apply and manage use of basic oral health products
  • Reflect on and improve own professional practice

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Myrtleford Yes
  • Full-time : 18 months

Further information

Before any clinical placements can commence, applicants will have to provide: a Doctor's certificate (to say you are fit to work as a nurse); evidence of commencement of Hepatitis B immunisation; a Senior First Aid Certificate valid for the duration of the program and a completed police check.

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