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Workplace Relations Advisers

Workplace Relations Advisers assist in resolving disputes by advising on workplace relations policies and problems, and representing industrial, commercial, union, employer or other parties in negotiations on rates of pay and conditions of employment.

Other Miscellaneous Labourers

Other Labourers includes a wide variety of occupations such as Bicycle Mechanics, Car Park Attendants, Crossing Supervisors, Electrical or Telecommunications Trades Assistants, Leaflet or Newspaper Deliverers, Mechanic's Assistants, Railways Assistants, Sign Erectors, Ticket Collectors or Ushers, Trolley Collectors and Road Traffic Controllers.

Other Sports Officials

Other Sports Officials coordinate and direct sporting activities, and liaise with other officials to interpret and enforce sporting rules and regulations.

Tribunal Members

Tribunal Members hear industrial, administrative or other disputes to assist in resolving differences and to arbitrate on issues.

Labourers (not covered elsewhere)

Other Labourers (not covered elsewhere) includes jobs like Bowling Alley Attendant, Grip, Milk Runner, Racecourse Barrier Attendant, Stagehand, Studio Hand, and Swimming Pool Serviceperson.

Technicians and Trades Workers (not covered elsewhere)

Technicians and Trades Workers (not covered elsewhere) includes jobs like Airborne Electronics Analyst (Air Force), Architectural Model Maker, Canoe Maker, Coffee Machine Technician, Fibre Composite Technician, Glass Blower, Hide and Skin Classer, Irrigation Designer, Kayak Maker, Milking Machine Technician, Parachute Rigger, Pearl Technician, Pyrotechnician, Ski Technician, and Surfboard Maker.

Tourist Information Officers

Tourist Information Officers provide travel and accommodation information to tourists. They may work in call centres.

Dog and Horse Racing Officials

Dog or Horse Racing Officials coordinate and direct horse or dog racing activities, and liaise with other officials to interpret and enforce racing rules and regulations.

Railways Assistants

Railways' Assistants assist with operating and maintaining facilities at railway stations by updating platform indicators showing train times and destinations, collecting and checking passenger tickets, giving signals for train departures, and cleaning station facilities.


Joiners cut, shape and fit timber parts in workshops to form structures and fittings, ready for installation.