Refine results


Enrolled Nurses

Enrolled Nurses provide nursing care to patients in a variety of health, aged care, welfare and community settings under the supervision of Registered Nurses.

Nurse Educators

Nurse Educators design, plan, implement and evaluate the delivery of nursing education and staff development programs, and manage educational resources.

Registered Nurses (Critical Care and Emergency)

Registered Nurses (Critical Care and Emergency) provide nursing care to critically ill patients and patients with unstable health following injury, surgery or during the acute phase of diseases, integrating new technological equipment into care in settings such as high dependency units, intensive care units, emergency departments or retrieval services.

Registered Nurses (Community Health)

Registered Nurses (Community Health) provide nursing care, health counselling, screening and education to individuals, families and groups in the wider community with a focus on patient independence and health promotion.

Registered Nurses (Medical)

Registered Nurses (Medical) provide nursing care to patients with conditions such as infections, metabolic disorders and degenerative conditions, which require medical intervention in a range of health, aged care and community settings.

Registered Nurses

Registered Nurses provide nursing care to patients in hospitals, aged care and other health care facilities, and in the community.

Registered Nurses (Medical Practice)

Registered Nurses (Medical Practice) provide clinical care to patients, undertake clinical organisation and practice administration, and facilitate communication within a general practice environment and between the practice and outside organisations and individuals.

Nurse Educators and Researchers

Nurse Educators and Researchers provide clinical and theoretical education to and promote professional development of nurses and midwives, and conduct research into nursing practice.

Registered Nurses (not covered elsewhere)

Registered Nurses (not covered elsewhere) includes jobs like Flight Nurse, Nursing Officer (Defence Forces), Registered Nurse (Infection Control), and Registered Nurse (Remote or Rural Area).

Registered Nurses (Surgical)

Registered Nurses (Surgical) provide nursing care to patients with injuries and illness that require surgical intervention.