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Body Artists
Body Artists decorate, adorn or modify the human body by using a range of techniques such as tattooing, piercing, cutting, branding, manipulating, stretching, and scarring the skin.
Music, Dance, Drama, Play, Hypnotic, and Related Therapists
Music, Dance, Drama, Play, Hypnotic, and Related Therapists includes jobs like Dance Therapist, Drama Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Music Therapist, and Play Therapist.
Community Arts Workers
Community Arts Workers identify issues of local need, concerns and aspirations through community consultation, and design and implement strategies to facilitate and encourage community arts projects and happenings, and promote the value of community cultural development.
Art Teachers (Private Tuition)
Art Teachers (Private Tuition) teach art in private training establishments.
Visual Arts and Crafts Professionals
Visual Arts and Crafts Professionals create visual two- and three-dimensional concepts and forms through painting, drawing, carving, sculpting, modelling, printmaking, video, multimedia, found objects, ephemera, soundscapes and other media to communicate concepts and ideas.
Arts Administrators and Managers
Arts Administrators or Managers plan, organise, direct, control, coordinate and promote artistic and cultural policies, programs, projects and services.
Potters and Ceramic Artists
Potters or Ceramic Artists conceive and create functional or artistic articles by moulding clay, glass and other fusible materials using hand-building and wheel techniques.
Painters (Visual Arts)
Painters (Visual Arts) conceive and create visual art forms, such as pictures, abstract designs and similar compositions, to communicate impressions and ideas.
Welfare, Recreation and Community Arts Workers
Welfare, Recreation and Community Arts Workers design and implement strategies and programs to meet community and individual needs and assist individuals, families and groups with social, emotional and financial difficulties to improve quality of life by educating and supporting them and working towards change in their social environment.
Other Visual Arts or Crafts Professionals
Other Visual Arts or Crafts Professionals include jobs like Leadlighter, Multimedia Artist, Quilter, and Textile Artist.