How to become an Agricultural Engineer

    Agricultural engineers study and advise on the use of engineering science and technology in agricultural production and management of natural resources. They solve problems relating to such things as sustainable agricultural production, the environmental impacts of intensive agriculture and the post-harvest handling of agricultural products.

    Personal requirements for an Agricultural Engineer

    • Able to identify, analyse and solve problems
    • Good oral and written communication skills
    • Aptitude for computing and design
    • Able to accept responsibility and work without supervision

    Education & Training for an Agricultural Engineer

    To become an agricultural engineer you usually have to study engineering at university with a major in agricultural engineering. Entry usually requires you to gain your Senior Secondary Certificate of Education. Prerequisite subjects, or assumed knowledge, in one or more of English and mathematics are normally required.

    Additional information

    Graduates may be eligible for membership of Engineers Australia. Visit their website for more details.

    Duties & Tasks of an Agricultural Engineer

    Agricultural engineers:

    • Plan, supervise and manage the building of irrigation, drainage, flood and water control systems
    • Design, develop and manage the manufacture of agricultural machinery, equipment and instrumentation, such as sensing, measuring and recording devices
    • Plan and supervise the construction of farm and other related buildings
    • Supervise ground preparation, seeding and harvesting, spray technology, post-harvesting and transport equipment
    • Supervise the cleaning, grading, milling, mixing, food processing, packaging and distribution of produce
    • Perform environmental impact assessments
    • Analyse, advise and plan for effective soil conservation and the control of water logging and soil salinity
    • Conduct research and study the results of work on farms, forests and research stations
    • Prepare and present reports.


    • Supervises construction or manufacture and installation of structures and equipment and tests completed work to ensure compliance with specifications and safety standards.
    • Advises employers, associates or clients on agricultural engineering matters and may consult with other specialists.
    • Studies operating requirements for a variety of agricultural machinery, structures and equipment and engages in research and development work.
    • Designs machinery, structures and equipment and prepares working drawings and other specifications, indicating materials to be used and methods of manufacture and construction.

    Working conditions for an Agricultural Engineer

    Agricultural engineers may work indoors or outdoors, in a laboratory or office, or on a farm or research station.

    Employment Opportunities for an Agricultural Engineer

    Agricultural engineers may be employed in private consulting firms, or by manufacturers and distributors of agricultural and irrigation equipment, corporate farms, intensive animal industries and food processing plants. In the public sector, jobs may be available with state or territory governments in areas such as water supply, agriculture, forestry, soil conservation and environment protection. Employment can also be found overseas in both developed and developing nations.


    Agricultural Engineer

    Agricultural engineers study and advise on the use of engineering science and technology in agricultural production and management of natural resources. They solve problems relating to such things as sustainable agricultural production, the environmental impacts of intensive agriculture and the post-harvest handling of agricultural products.

    • Average age
      Average age
    • Future Growth
      Future Growth
    • Gender Share
      Gender Share
      6% female
    • Average full-time
      Average full-time
      43 hours
    • Weekly Pay
      Weekly Pay
    • Skill level rating
      Skill level rating
      Very high skill
    • Unemployment
      Average unemployment
    • Full-Time Share
      Full-Time Share
    • Employment Size
      Employment Size
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