How to become an Aerospace Engineer

    Aerospace Engineer

    Aerospace engineers perform and supervise the design, development, manufacture and maintenance work of all types of flight vehicles. This may include military and civilian aeroplanes, helicopters, missiles, launch vehicles, spacecraft, satellites, and control and guidance systems.

    Personal requirements for an Aerospace Engineer

    • Enjoy technical and engineering activities
    • Analytical and problem-solving ability
    • Good oral and written communication skills
    • Practical and creative ability
    • Able to work without supervision and accept responsibility
    • Able to work as part of a team
    • Normal colour vision may be required

    Education & Training for an Aerospace Engineer

    To become an aerospace engineer you usually have to complete an engineering degree at university with a major in aeronautical or aerospace engineering. To get into these courses you usually need to gain your Senior Secondary Certificate of Education. Prerequisite subjects, or assumed knowledge, in one or more of English, mathematics, chemistry and physics are normally required. A number of universities in Australia offer degrees in engineering with a major in aeronautical or aerospace engineering and have different prerequisites. Contact the institutions you are interested in for more information.

    Additional information

    Students who have completed at least one year of an approved university course in engineering lasting three or four years may apply to join the Undergraduate Scheme in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) or Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Those studying courses five or six years in length must have completed at least two years of study. If accepted, students may choose to finish their degree at their chosen institution or join the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra.Graduates may be eligible for membership of Engineers Australia. Visit their website for more details.

    Duties & Tasks of an Aerospace Engineer

    Aerospace engineers:

    • Plan and design aircraft, aircraft parts and support equipment by preparing drawings and making mathematical calculations
    • Design modifications to systems, such as fuel or air conditioning, and outline installation procedures
    • Conduct tests to measure the performance of an aircraft or part, or to ensure design specifications and airworthiness requirements are met
    • Supervise the assembly of airframes and the installation of engines, instruments and other equipment
    • Investigate failed engines or other aviation components
    • Develop procedures for the repair of aviation components
    • Assess mechanical systems, flight characteristics and aircraft performance
    • Participate in flight test programs to measure take-off distances, rate of climb, stall speeds, manoeuvrability and landing capacities
    • Evaluate new and used aircraft and advise potential purchasers based on their findings.


    • Consults with aero-engine specialists to co-ordinate design of aircraft.
    • Ensures that aircraft are capable of meeting operational conditions by examining characteristics and evaluating flight tests.
    • Carries out surveys of airframes and equipment and checks for structural faults using laboratory or flight conditions.
    • Designs aircraft, componentry and support equipment.

    Employment Opportunities for an Aerospace Engineer

    In Australia, most aerospace engineering work involves aircraft modification and assessment of damage. However, there is also a significant industry engaged in manufacture under licence.Career opportunities exist with aerospace companies, aircraft manufacturers, aeronautical consulting services, the RAAF and the RAN. The Department of Defence employs aeronautical engineers in Defence Research Centres across the country. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority ( also employs aerospace engineers to ensure compliance with design and certification standards, the functioning of associated electrical power plants and fuel systems, and overall airworthiness and flight handling in normal and emergency situations.


    Aerospace Engineer

    Aerospace engineers perform and supervise the design, development, manufacture and maintenance work of all types of flight vehicles. This may include military and civilian aeroplanes, helicopters, missiles, launch vehicles, spacecraft, satellites, and control and guidance systems.

    • Average age
      Average age
    • Future Growth
      Future Growth
    • Gender Share
      Gender Share
      11% female
    • Average full-time
      Average full-time
      42 hours
    • Weekly Pay
      Weekly Pay
    • Skill level rating
      Skill level rating
      Very high skill
    • Unemployment
      Average unemployment
    • Full-Time Share
      Full-Time Share
    • Employment Size
      Employment Size
    • Employment Size
      Employment by state
      ACT: 7.5%
      NSW: 26.2%
      NT: 1.0%
      QLD: 22.6%
      SA: 8.1%
      TAS: 0.0%
      VIC: 32.8%
      WA: 1.9%
    • Employment Size
      Age brackets
      15-19: 0.3%
      20-24: 8.9%
      25-34: 36%
      35-44: 26.4%
      45-54: 17.7%
      55-59: 6%
      60-64: 2.6%
      65 and Over: 2.1%
    • Employment Size
      Education level
      Advanced Diploma/Diploma: 7.2%
      Bachelor degree: 54.4%
      Certificate III/IV: 7.7%
      Post Graduate/Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate: 27.6%
      Year 10 and below: 0%
      Year 11: 0%
      Year 12: 3.1%
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