Communications MOOCs

Free online communications courses

The Good Universities Guide has selected some free online communications courses so that you can get a taste for some of the
MOOC content available. If any of the videos interest you, click on the enrol button to learn more on how you can start studying.

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Online Advertising (OnlineAd)

by Patty Keegan

Learn more about the evolving, dynamic, and fastest growing segment of the advertising industry.

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Writing for the Web (WriteWeb)

by Frankie Madden

Explore how writing style, web design and structure can grab the attention of and engage online readers.

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UNSW Sydney

Transmedia Storytelling: Narrative worlds, emerging technologies, and global audiences
More and more, we are also engaging with elements or franchises of larger and more complex stories across a much more diverse range of platforms like interactive web experiences, social media communities, mobile devices, theme parks, and even augmented and virtual reality. A major challenge that current and future storytellers face is being able to engage different audiences in a story that is seamlessly told across all of these different platforms.

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