Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Practice - HLT40213

Marr Mooditj Training Inc

Type of institution: Registered Training Organisation
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)

This qualification reflects the role of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people working to provide a range of clinical primary health care services to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients and communities, including specific health care programs, advice and assistance with, and administration of, medication. These workers can be expected to flexibly assume a variety of job roles and undertake a broad range of tasks either individually or as a member of a multidisciplinary team.This qualification addresses the specific legislative responsibilities of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners and is required for national registration with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia.


  • 21 units: 14 core
  • 7 elective


  • Provide support and care relating to loss and grief
  • Provide services to people with disabilities with complex needs
  • Collect pathology specimens other than blood
  • Recognise and respond to individuals at risk
  • Supervise individual workers
  • Provide information and support around cancer
  • Work with users of violence to effect change
  • Address social determinants of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health
  • Use media to disseminate information
  • Assess and manage emergency treatment of burns
  • Undertake research activities
  • Build capacity to promote health
  • Identify and respond to clinical risks associated with pathology specimen collection
  • Work effectively with young people and their families
  • Work with Elders in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities
  • Promote community awareness of domestic and family violence
  • Participate in workplace health and safety
  • Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
  • Identify clients with language, literacy and numeracy needs and respond effectively
  • Work effectively with young people in the youth work context
  • Develop, implement and review services and programs to meet client needs
  • Maintain community health profile
  • Provide alcohol and-or other drug withdrawal services
  • Work effectively with clients with complex alcohol and-or other drugs issues
  • Deliver primary health care programs for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities
  • Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework
  • Apply understanding of mental health issues and recovery processes
  • Promote burns prevention in homes and the community
  • Provide support to children affected by domestic and family violence
  • Survey stakeholders to gather and record information
  • Perform blood collection
  • Provide domestic and family violence support in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • Provide support to people living with dementia
  • Promote team effectiveness
  • Support clients and groups to learn practical aspects of oral health care
  • Work collaboratively to maintain an environment safe for children and young people
  • Respond to emergencies
  • Provide a range of services to people with mental health issues
  • Respond to critical situations
  • Establish and monitor a case plan
  • Provide information and support to women with breast cancer
  • Assess client's physical wellbeing
  • Provide mentoring support to colleagues
  • Work within a community development framework
  • Respond effectively to behaviours of concern
  • Provide information and strategies in health care
  • Conduct screening hearing tests for industrial hearing loss
  • Inform and encourage clients and groups to understand and achieve good oral health
  • Provide nutrition guidance for specific health care
  • Plan and conduct a community meeting
  • Provide information on smoking and smoking cessation
  • Reflect on and improve own professional practice
  • Analyse and present research information
  • Respond to loss, grief and trauma
  • Provide competent suicide intervention in a telephone counselling context
  • Use targeted communication skills to build relationships
  • Implement a burns rehabilitation care plan
  • Support the rights and safety of children and young people
  • Contribute to assessment
  • Provide information and strategies in eye health
  • Work effectively in mental health settings
  • Work in alcohol, other drugs & mental health care w/ Aboriginal &/or Torres Strait Islander Comm.
  • Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
  • Facilitate and advocate for the rights and needs of clients and community members
  • Facilitate access to tertiary health services
  • Address impact of food security on community health
  • Support the safe use of medications
  • Provide work skill instruction
  • Assess and promote physical and emotional wellbeing of children
  • Assess competence
  • Administer medications
  • Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers
  • Recognise and respond to signs and symptoms that may indicate oral health issues
  • Facilitate responsible behaviour
  • Provide interventions to meet the needs of consumers with mental health and AOD issues
  • Provide support to people with chronic disease
  • Plan assessment activities and processes
  • Assess and support client's social and emotional wellbeing
  • Work effectively in the alcohol and other drugs sector
  • Provide needle and syringe services
  • Implement health promotion and community intervention
  • Apply and manage use of basic oral health products
  • Use basic oral health screening tools
  • Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning
  • Manage simple projects
  • Maintain a population health database
  • Participate in policy development
  • Provide information/strategies to enhance capacities of Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander families
  • Support young people to create opportunities in their lives
  • Provide information and strategies in chronic condition care
  • Provide healthy lifestyle programs and advice
  • Facilitate the development of community capacity to manage place
  • Plan, develop and evaluate health promotion and community development programs
  • Provide interventions to clients who are nicotine dependent
  • Implement a disaster plan
  • Facilitate adult learning and development
  • Develop population health competencies in other people
  • Assess readiness for and effect behaviour change
  • Provide or assist with oral hygiene
  • Comply with infection control policies and procedures
  • Provide information and strategies in sexual health for women
  • Provide information and support on environmental health issues
  • Develop and provide community education projects
  • Identify community health issues, needs and strategies
  • Conduct work within a compliance framework
  • Provide services to clients with complex needs
  • Work within specific communities
  • Assess and respond to individuals at risk of suicide
  • Assist with prevention and minimisation of substance misuse
  • Work in an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander primary health care context
  • Coordinate business resources
  • Provide information and strategies in sexual health for men
  • Share health information
  • Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace
  • Plan, implement and monitor health care in a primary health care context
  • Work with the community to identify health needs
  • Provide telephone counselling in crisis situations
  • Provide first aid
  • Develop work priorities
  • Apply fluoride varnish
  • Respond holistically to client issues and refer appropriately
  • Support positive lifestyle
  • Conduct screening hearing tests for children
  • Monitor early childhood growth and development
  • Support client self-management
  • Conduct assessment and planning as part of the recovery process
  • Provide brief intervention
  • Work with clients who are intoxicated
  • Plan a population health project
  • Collect, analyse and record information
  • Establish and maintain community, government and business partnerships
  • Apply a population health framework
  • Assess needs of clients with alcohol and-or other drugs issues
  • Establish and maintain communication and relationships to support the recovery process
  • Provide crisis intervention and support to those experiencing domestic and family violence
  • Implement community development strategies
  • Provide information and strategies in maternal and infant health
  • Supervise health care team
  • Contribute to policy development
  • Provide support services to clients

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Waterford No

Fee comments

Campuses: Waterford.

This course is free (except for a resource fee) for Newstart and Youth Allowance recipients and Jobseeker ID card holders.

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